Where To Begin.

If you’re reading this, then odds are you have vaguely glanced at the Twitter-feed of a bitter and depressed robot named Curiosity – tweeting under the handle @sarcasticrover.

This website is not a continuation of that Twitter-feed, but a companion and background to @sarcasticrover – an exploration of how it came to be, and an opportunity to look at the topics and ideas raised by it and the people who read it.

If this is your first time here, then I welcome you to read whatever catches your eye – and hope that you find something of interest.

Topics will be broken down as follows:

The Real Curiosity: Discussing topics about the actual rover’s mission and interesting news from Mars.

@SarcasticRover: News about the Twitter-feed, articles, mentions, general bragging and other bits of minutia.

Science and Things: Posts about other science and other random things that fit in with the world of Sarcastic Rover.

The Writer: Information about the person who writes @sarcasticrover – should you care to know.

Please, enjoy your time – and, if you’re able, Do A Science.

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